Sunday, March 22, 2009

Drinking WATER

Okay I know how much people hate to drink water. I have been drinking more water. It not only is cheaper but it is good for your body and helps weight loss.

A glass of soda is on sale here for .64
The same glass of water is less than a penny or for me free because it is included in my rent.
I also have bought a filter pitcher for $24 to help the taste. I love the way the water taste. I also bought a reusable cup and water bottle. This saves our resources. It means there is less in the landfills.
A glass of water has zero calories. A soda has 500 calories. Then the chemicals that you are putting in your body. So drink a glass of water instead of the soda.

We don't know how many other health benefits having water helps you.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Homemade Orange Sherbet

My daughter reminded me of a summer favorite. It is starting to get warm here.

I put all of this in a large Tupperware bowl and pop it in the freezer. I take it out and shake it every half hour till frozen.

2 cans Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk
6 (10 oz.) orange soda pop or 1 - 2 liter

Pour orange soda into ice cream freezer and add Eagle Brand milk. Stir it up with long handle spoon and freeze. NOTE: Any flavor soda can be used for variations of flavor.

You could use generic sweetened condensed milk. I use the 2 liter. Strawberry is good too. I figure it is .59 for the generic soda and .99 for each can of generic milk so not a bad treat.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Scratch and Sniff Paint

I saw this recipe for paint that is scratch and sniff

You take 1 package of Kool aid (generic will do) add 1 tbs water. You can paint with it and it smells good.

This could be some cheap rainy day fun! Be aware that it may stain so be careful with it.